Temporary ban on border zone and humanitarian crisis

Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Rok XXVI: 2022, numer 3-4
Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies Volume XXVI: 2022, No. 3-4

Piotr Tuleja

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refugees, crisis, ban on presence, Polish-Belarusian border, unconstitutionality of ordinance


The refugee crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border related to the appearance on the
border of a significant number of people who were brought to the territory of Belarus
and then directed to the territory of Poland in an organized manner by Belarusian ser-
vices led to a number of actions by, among others, Polish authorities, the legal aspects of
which required urgent elaboration. This article addresses the issue of a temporary ban on
border zone and humanitarian crisis. Currently, we do not have a state of emergency, but
it is entirely up to the goodwill of the minister to ensure that the proportionality of the
restriction of rights is respected when imposing a stay ban. The ordinance on imposing
a temporary ban on staying in a certain area undermines the constitutional mechanism
for protecting human rights, preventing or hindering the weighing of principles when
there is a collision between the protection of life, human health and other constitution-
al rights and public safety in the border sphere. The most dramatic situations involve
making it impossible or difficult to save the lives and health of people who unlawfully
cross the border and are under Polish law.


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