Commentary to the Judgment of Białystok Court of Appeal of 21 April 2015, II Aka 39/15 (“a Premeditated Intent”)
Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Rok XXIII: 2019, numer 4
Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies Volume XXIII: 2019, No. 4
Marcin Harasimowicz – attorney, WSPIA University of Rzeszow
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subjective element of a crime, the sequence of crimes, Criminal Fiscal Code, reductive mechanisms
The commentary contains critical remarks considering the mode of interpretation of the subjective element of the institution stated in Article 12 of the Polish Criminal Code (k.k.) which was presented by the Court of Appeal in Białystok in the judgment of 21 April 2015, case no. II AKa 39/15. In the belief of the author, there are two groups of arguments in favor of rejecting the results of interpretation adopted by the Court of Appeal. First, the theoretic arguments concerning the interpretation theory, in particular, the necessity to abandon the view that requires to interpret every single word that is stated in the legal text, as required by omnia sunt interpretanda rule. Those arguments led the author to analyze the function of the institution stated in Article 12 k.k. in a broader context of reductive mechanisms. The commentary also raises arguments considering the connection of the analyzed institution with the sequence of crimes and the twin institution of the continuous act that is provided in the Polish Criminal Fiscal Code.
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