Permissibility of search, deprivation of property, restriction of contacts and detention of immigrants in the context of the powers of controlled individuals

Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Rok XXVI: 2022, numer 1-2
Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies Volume XXVI: 2022, No. 1-2

Katarzyna Trzosińska

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refugees, crisis, search and seizure of belongings, Polish-Belarusian border, procedural guarantees


The refugee crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border related to the appearance on the
border of a significant number of people who were brought to the territory of Belarus
and then directed to the territory of Poland in an organized manner by Belarusian ser-
vices led to a number of actions by, among others, Polish authorities, the legal aspects
of which required urgent elaboration. This article addresses the issue of permissibility
of search, deprivation of property, restriction of contacts and detention of immigrants
in the context of the powers of controlled individuals. Searching is one of the well-es-
tablished regulations of criminal procedure, it is closely related to the implementation
of its objectives, and besides, it is usually associated precisely with criminal procedure .
A search constitutes an interference with constitutionally protected rights and freedoms
(personal inviolability and the right to privacy) and is subject to a number of require-
ments that must be met in order for the authorities appointed to carry out this activity
properly. Currently in the Polish legal order there are a number of regulations that in
essence correspond to the search and seizure of things within the meaning of the Code
of Criminal Procedure, but their norms do not meet the guarantee standards provided
for this institution.


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