The Administrative Penalty for Violation of the Restriction on Movement by Minors During the State of COVID-19 Epidemic

Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Rok XXV: 2021, numer 1
Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies Volume XXV: 2021, No. 1

Monika Łątka – student, Jagiellonian University; e-mail:


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financial  administrative  penalty,  the  responsibility  of  minors,  restriction  on  leaving  a place of stay


The paper concerns the possibility to impose a financial administrative penalty on a minor for a violation of the restriction on movement without the adult, which was introduced  by  the  ministerial  regulations.  These  provisions  referred  to  the  Tax  Ordinance  Act  and  did  not  include  any  exceptions  related  to,  for  example,  the  difficult situation of the minor’s family due to the epidemic outbreak. There was also a question of whether  a  minor  can  be  held  responsible  for  violation  of  such  restriction.  Equally  important is the problem of applying lex mitior principle in administrative law and the issue of opportunism.

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