Realistic measures to protect the rights and security of an immigrant on the Belarusian border from the perspective of the Law on Foreigners, the Law on the Protection of Foreigners and acts of international law

Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Rok XXVI: 2022, numer 3-4
Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies Volume XXVI: 2022, No. 3-4

Joanna Hetnarowicz-Sikora, Jarosław Walentynowicz

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refugees, crisis, legal protection of refugees, Polish-Belarusian border, state of emergency, restrictions on rights and freedoms


The refugee crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border related to the appearance on the
border of a significant number of people who were brought to the territory of Belarus
and then directed to the territory of Poland in an organized manner by Belarusian
services led to a number of actions by, among others, Polish authorities, the legal as-
pects of which required urgent elaboration. This article addresses the issue of realistic
measures to protect the rights and security of an immigrant on the Belarusian border
from the perspective of the Law on Foreigners, the Law on the Protection of Foreigners
and acts of international law. Statutory instruments for the protection of foreigners
arriving in Poland are contained in a number of relevant legal acts. Among them, the
most important are: the Law on Granting Protection to Foreigners on the Territory
of the Republic of Poland, the Law on Foreigners, the Law on the Border Guard, the
Law on the Protection of the State Border and others of lesser importance. In addition,
relevant international conventions and rulings of tribunals, including the European
Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, are also in force in the Polish legal system with
regard to foreigners’ cases.
These acts relate to proceedings in cases involving foreigners who, under various
circumstances and for various reasons, found themselves on the territory of Poland,
with relatively the most detailed regulation of issues related to foreigners who entered
the territory of the Republic of Poland illegally. In its entirety, this study is devoted only
to issues related to illegal stay in Poland after crossing the border between Belarus and
Poland, which is also the EU border (the external border of the Schengen zone ). As an
aside, we will only point out that the treatment of foreigners illegally crossing the border
with Poland is the same at all sections of the border.


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