Does penalties of limitation of liberty and deprivation of liberty which have been imposed with a conditional suspension of their enforcement are eligible for aggregation?

Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Rok XXIII: 2019, numer 2
Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies Volume XXIII: 2019, No. 2

Jarosław Majewski – professor, head of Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, advocate

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aggregate penalty, limitation of liberty, deprivation of liberty, conditional suspension of the enforcement of the imposed penalty


Criminal Code amendment of February 20th, 2015 substantially modified the legal institution of imposition of the aggregate penalty. The author is investigating a controversial issue whether on the grounds of this modification penalties of limitation of liberty are eligible for aggregation with penalties of deprivation of liberty which have been imposed with a conditional suspension of their enforcement. The results of conducted analysis lead to the conclusion that answer to this question is negative. De lege lata in case of imposing for concurring crimes penalties of limitation of liberty and deprivation of liberty with conditional suspension of its enforcement there are no ground for imposing a aggregated penalty because in case of penalty of deprivation of liberty with conditional suspension of its enforcement the general premise for aggregation stated in Article 85 § 2 of Polish Criminal Code is not fulfilled.


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