Commentary to the Supreme Court decision of 12 April 2018, II KK. 411/17 (the subject of a crime stated in Article 300 § 2 of the Polish Criminal Code)

Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Rok XXIII: 2019, numer 1
Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies Volume XXIII: 2019, No. 1

Ivan Smanio – restructuring counsellor, member of the Presidium and the Secretary of the Insolvency Law Section of the Allerhand Institute in Krakow

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crimes against business transactions, obstruction of the satisfaction of creditor’s claims, action pauliana, joint perpetration, individualization of responsibility


The author of the commentary critically refers to the thesis of the Supreme Court that criminally liable on the basis of Article 300 § 2 of the Polish Criminal Code (k.k.) is not only a personal debtor but also a person liable to the creditor materially (material debtor). Referring to the second thesis of the Supreme Court, the author of the commentary indicates that a third party within the meaning of Article 527 of the Polish Civil Code (k.c.) due to the lack of a contractual tie with the creditor cannot be classified as a “debtor” for the purposes of Article 300 § 2 k.k. In the author’s opinion, the extraneus figure is an alternative way for assigning to a third party within the meaning of Article 527 k.c. the criminal liability for an offense under Article 300 § 2 k.k. without the need to extend the term “debtor” as was done in the commented judgment.


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