Probative obligations (its nature, assumptions, purpose and application in judicial practice)

Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Rok XXII: 2018, numer 1
Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies Volume XXII: 2018, No. 1

Bartosz Kolarz – M.A., Jagiellonian University
Michał Literski –
M.A., Jagiellonian University
Konrad Sączek –
M.A., Jagiellonian University

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probative obligations, probative measures, probation, conditional suspension of the enforcement of the imposed penalty, conditional discontinuance of the proceedings


The article is dedicated to the institution of probative obligations stated in the Article 72 of the Polish Criminal Code. Presented considerations are aimed at the complex analysis of the main functions and purpose of selected probative obligations and addresses the major interpretative problems that arise in this context. Authors also point out a number of de lege ferenda postulates, which may be a remedy for the still unjustified, insignificant interest in this criminal law institution in court practice.